Code Enforcement

The Planning Department's code enforcement division administers the investigation, documentation, and enforcement of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and the City of Noblesville Code of Ordinances (City Code). Code enforcement provisions regulate private property; regulations listed in the UDO apply throughout Noblesville’s planning jurisdiction, and City Code regulations apply only to properties incorporated into Noblesville city limits.  A corporate limits map can be found on the Planning Maps page.  

Code enforcement operates as a proactive and complaint-based division. Potential violations can be reported to the Planning Department by phone, by submitting an action request to the Citizens’ Action Center, or by calling the Planning Department office. All complaints must include the address of the reported violation and the complainant’s name, address, and contact information or you can leave an anonymous tip via phone. 

All received complaints are handled on a first come, first served basis. Property owners found to be in violation of code are contacted by the Planning Department and given a deadline by which the violation(s) must be corrected. 

Not all regulations listed in the UDO and City Code are enforced by the code enforcement division. Noise complaints and complaints about vehicles parked in the street are enforced by the Noblesville Police Department and matters of public safety should be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Issues pertaining to interior or exterior conditions of a structure are regulated and enforced by the Planning Department’s building division. Please refer to the Building & Inspections page for these property maintenance requests. 


City of Noblesville Code of
Ordinances (City Code)

UDO Icon

Unified Development
Ordinance (UDO)

Grass Maintenance Guide

Grass Maintenance Guide

Vehicle and Trailer Guide

Vehicle and Trailer Guide