Construction & Commercial

In the past, developers needed only worry about controlling erosion during construction for projects disturbing 5 acres or more of land. That has all changed. The 5 acre threshold has been reduced to 1 acre. There are now requirements for both erosion control and proper hazardous material storage during construction. Site planning must include measures to avoid sensitive areas, decrease impervious surface area, and provide for on-site treatment of stormwater runoff using Best Management Practices (BMPs). Construction projects will need to apply for a local permit which will include a review of plan sheets and project sequencing.
So, generally speaking, those construction sites that involve the disturbing of one (1) acre or more of land (or any phased project that disturbs one (1) acre or more over a period of time) require Rule 5 Permits.

The following forms are provided for your convenience:

CITY OF NOBLESVILLE STORM WATER TECHNICAL STANDARDS MANUAL - This detailed document includes the specific standards the City of Noblesville Clean Storm Water Program is charged with enforcing.
CITY OF NOBLESVILLE STORM WATER RUNOFF ORDINANCE - This ordinance is what gives the MS4 legal authority from the City (what gives the City of Noblesville Clean Storm Water Program the power to enforce the above standards).
BOND RELEASE - APPLICATION FORM - The purpose of this form is to determine eligibility for bond release.  It must be submitted along with Bond Release Self-Inspection Form and the Certificate of Completion.
BOND RELEASE - SELF-INSPECTION FORM - If eligible for bond release, this form must be completed and submitted as part of the bond release application process.
BOND RELEASE - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION - This form indicates that construction has been completed in compliance with storm water standards.  It must be submitted as part of the bond release application process.
RULE 5 NOTICE OF INTENT FORM (NOI) - Scroll to the bottom of the linked IDEM Rule 5 page to download the latest version of the NOI Form.
RULE 5 NOTICE OF TERMINATION FORM (NOT) - Scroll to the bottom of the linked IDEM Rule 5 page to download the latest version of the NOT Form.
Also, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil Conservation, has updated the Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual  formerly known as the Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control. In addition to erosion and sediment control, the updated handbook includes information, specifications, and measures that address minimization of post construction pollutants.